So many ideas …

Does it ever seem like you have all of these ideas but you can’t seem to bring them to life? I’ve been having a problem lately with my mind. It keeps producing ideas faster than I can write them down. I guess it’s a blessing and a curse at the same time. This has always been a big problem for me. I get so passionate about something I get half way through writing and then something else pops into my head. It constantly happens. Is this normal? How do some of you more experienced writers stay focused on one story at a time. My mind right now is all over the place. Any tips on keeping ideas organized?

Become The Best Blogger On The Block

The Positive Black Woman™

Become the best blogger on the block by going to the University!

Sign up for WordPress Blog University

Note: Comment below on how your readership has increased or what you’ve gained from the courses. It doesn’t matter when you participated. Share!

Upcoming free courses you can register for:

Blogging 101: Zero to Hero (9/7 – 9/25)

Three weeks of bite-size blogging assignments that take you from “Blog?” to “Blog!” Every weekday, you’ll get a new assignment to help you publish a post, customize your blog, or engage with the community.

Blogging 201: Branding and Growth (9/14 – 9/25)

A two-week challenge to help you define your brand, build your audience, use your stats to grow your traffic, and bring your older posts fresh attention.

Writing 101: Write Every Day! (9/7 – 10/2)

A four-week course that encourages you to write every day — explore new formats, new tools, and new topics. This is an all-new version of Writing 101, with…

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Woman 2 Women//Where is the Love?

Be Free 2 Love

Let’s have an honest discussion friends!
I’ve been spending so much time trying to better myself, by learning to forgive, reminding myself to think more positively, etc.  With that being said, can you tell that I spend a great deal of time in my feelings lol?  A serious question parked itself in my overactive brain, until I decided to do more research into this.  I was able to reach out to a few of my followers, to gain their perspectives on why they believe many women are unable to from long-term and meaningful relationships with one another.
Where does this come from? Why?

I have always played around with this topic individually up until now.  I only brought up this sensitive topic, based solely from my recent encounters with other women.

Like I mentioned before, I followed up with my hypothesis by reaching out to other women.  I would love…

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Building A Book

Art Is Not For Sissies

You may (or may not) have noticed the intermittent, yet ongoing, production from my studio. There was the fabric dyeing day, followed by multiple screen printing sessions using my old thermofax machine to burn screens. Now, I’m finally turning the printed and dyed fabric into blank journals and sketchbooks.

Steps showing sewing on tapes. Top: The finished cover before the pages are attached. Bottom Left and Right: Shows what the in-process sewing looks like from the inside and the outside of the book.

The books have soft covers that I create by attaching the fabrics to Pellon Fuse-n-Shape, a thick, iron on interfacing that gives the covers some thickness without making them too thick. The binding is a variation of the coptic stitch and sewing over tapes. I like this binding because it leaves the spine exposed, and allows the visible stitches to become part of the aesthetics of the finished book. This binding is also sturdy and allows the book to lie…

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Killing Main Characters

Johnny Reads

I don’t know about any of you, but I used to despise authors who killed off main characters. How could they, right? Especially if those characters are part of a series and the readers get so emotionally attached to them. It seems despicable!

I remember when a friend of mine went BERZERK after reading a certain modern series where the main character dies at the end. She was so utterly disgusted with the author, I thought to myself, “I’ll never kill off one of my main characters.”

But now, as a writer, I see the benefit and difficulties of a potential main character’s death. And, as a medical professional, I also realize how ridiculous it is for an author to work so hard to keep a MC alive. I can’t help but roll my eyes in disgust when I read about horrendous wounds and injuries and atrocities that happen to…

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Daily Inspiration

Be Free 2 Love


I’ve realized that for a long time, I was comfortable with just living.  That became super boring! I needed to switch things up, and push myself to try something new…even if it scared me!  My hope is that managing my time better will help make my week less chaotic, and provide me with the opportunity to grow and become closer to fulfilling my life’s purpose.

One new thing that I have started this week was to create a plan on what I wanted to do throughout the week.  My plan consisted of:

~Starting a meal plan (figuring out my meals as best as I could for the week from Breakfast down to my snacks): If not I’ll end up eating late since I’m throwing something together last minute.  I chose meals that included food options that i currently have at home.  If need be, I’ll stop by the grocery store…

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My passion is Growing Every Day

I may sound like a broken record but I’ve always loved writing. I just never had the confidence in myself to share my work. I have put writing on the back burner because … well … life happens and you have to deal with it.

Since I started writing again, my passion not only came back but has grown tremendously. I’m loving every second of this. I just want to spend all of my time writing and making pieces that make people feel something and become a better writer.

Hopefully I will have some things up for you guys in the coming weeks.

Working With Distractions …

I’m currently trying to work on my first book. I’ve actually been keeping it a secret from mostly everyone in my family. I am really a private person and I don’t really like to tell about my writing. My Mother knows I have a website but she doesn’t know what it’s about. My family who don’t quite understand what I’m doing. They know that I love to write but they don’t know that I am taking this serious now. So until I know that I’m just going to find the time to just write as much as I can and just focus as much.
When you have a full-time job with normal obligations, it’s so easy to get distracted from your writing. When you have to work a full-time job and pay bills, anyone person will tell you, whether they’re writers or wanting to make a hobby into your new career, or starting your own business, that finding the time to discover and create something you’re passionate about is never easy. It’s all about finding and setting specific time to work towards your goal. I usually get distracted by the television too. Sometimes it slows me down, and then other times it can really spark an idea in my writing. It all just depends on the situation at the time and where I am in my writing.
All in all, distractions are only distractions if you let them be. All I can do is keep going and keep writing as much as I can. I hope to be able to submit my first manuscript to be published. I don’t even care what happened after that but then I’ll know what my next step would be once that’s done. All I can do is work hard and never give up.